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  • Writer's pictureDaria Axelrod Marmer

Surfing & Product Management

Last week I attended a week-long surf camp in Costa Rica. This was only my second time surfing and I fought with my demons just as much as I fought the whitewash (surfing is hard!). As I took on wave after wave, I kept thinking of the parallels between surfing and product management.

Resilience: Surfing isn't just about catching the perfect wave – it's also about recovering gracefully from wipeouts and fighting the whitewash getting back behind the break. Similarly, as product managers we embrace failures as opportunities to learn and grow. Resilience is the force that keeps us paddling back out for another try.

Continuous Learning: Surfing is a skill that perpetually demands learning. The initial popup is merely a starting point for novice surfers; beyond that lie realms of balance, turning, efficient paddling, duck diving, turtle rolls, and more. Similarly, as product managers, we're in a perpetual state of motion. The ever-evolving market introduces new technologies, industry trends to monitor, and avenues for personal development to help our teams achieve business outcomes.

Teamwork: On days when I felt most defeated, my partner-in-crime Courtney Wilson became the beacon of positivity, reframing my aching elbows, spaghetti-arms, and mouthfuls of salt water as moments of growth. While surfing may seem solitary, much like product management, the encouragement and support from our engineering, design, and other partners drive us to conquer bigger and more challenging waves.

Neither surfing nor product management can be characterized as easy endeavors. However, through cultivating resilience, embracing perpetual learning, and fostering a collaborative spirit, we not only ride the waves but also skillfully steer our products toward triumphant success. 🏄‍♂️🚀 #Resilience#ContinuousLearning#Teamwork

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